Art: The eyes of Hikari Shimoda

Japanese Artist Hikari Shimoda paints characters with fascinating eyes. When looked at up close,they have a mystical quality.

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Hikari Shimoda tumblr_n1gi6bqvmQ1rtogepo2_500.png

Picasso in 1906: The Rose Period

After his blue period but before the major breakthroughs of early modern art, Picasso was finishing his Rose Period.  These portraits all are marked by layered figures and textures as well as fluid lines and shapes.  Where the blue period was marked by the suicide of his close friend Carlos Casagemas, the rose was influenced by his romance with Fernande Olivier and his residence in Montmartre, Paris.  This style would have a great impact on his later works and would quickly be followed by his African influenced period and Picasso’s first experimentation with cubism.

Pablo Picasso Nude - Tutt'Art@ (5)

Pablo Picasso Nude - Tutt'Art@ (38)

Pablo Picasso Nude - Tutt'Art@ (9)

Pablo Picasso Nude - Tutt'Art@ (35)

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